Kit de herramientas e-Participation
Digital training “e-Participation”. This digital training will be hosted in the e-learning web platform of the project, and it intends to train youth workers, educators and providers of the youth field in accessibility and inclusion to generate accessible and inclusive digital youth activities, aimed at favouring the civic-social participation of young people with disabilities. Our training will contain the following formative contents:
• Inclusive digital education: planification and design of inclusive youth activities
• Design of accessible content.
• Digital tools for project and group management.
• Dynamization of Digital environments and societies.
• Inclusive digital participation in the democratic and political life.
• Inclusive digital participation in artistic expression activities
• Inclusive digital participation in environmental activities
Identification of successful practical cases in different ways of inclusive digital youth participation at European level. Thanks to this collection of successful cases, good practices will be shared with the aim of boosting its usability by professionals of the youth field.
Inclusive and accessible templates and materials, which could be downloaded and used in the youth activities by the rest of target groups in order to promote the use of inclusive resources and tools.